Happy America Recycles Day!
November 15, 2012Did you know today is America Recycles Day?
I had never heard of this day before, so I did some research to look into the history of it. Today marks the 13th year of America Recycles Day. Each year, Americans get together to make a pledge to increase their recycling habits. Interested in making a pledge this year? Take the pledge here!
On the America Recycles Day website you can check out events that are going on today or even start planning an event for next year! What I found most helpful was the Find Recycling tab at the top of their website. Here you can type in your zip code and figure out where you can recycle specific items. You can also find local recycling options on the Earth911 website.
If you can’t find where or how to recycle a certain item, a source that we’ve just been introduced to is RAFT (Resource Area For Teaching). It’s a place for teachers to find affordable classroom and art supplies.
Take a look and remember, everyday can be a recycle day!