10 minutes = 1 day of clean water
March 6, 2014We’re always looking for ways to make a difference in our world – and this recent article from Treehugger shows that we can do so by simply setting our smartphone down and leaving it alone. UNICEF Tap Project is challenging people to set aside their smartphones for just 10 minutes to help supply clean drinking water to those in need. Exchanging a want (smartphone) for a need (clean water)? Count us in!
For every 10 minutes you leave your phone untouched the Tap Project’s sponsor (currently Giorgio Armani) will donate enough money to provide one day of clean water for a child in need.
Why is this important? Across the globe, 1,400 children die every day from diseases directly linked to unsafe and unsanitary water. By setting your phone aside, you are saving lives, saving time, saving money, keeping kids in school and keeping them healthy.
Ready to get started? Navigate to http://tap.unicefusa.org/ on your mobile device.